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Hope Centers in TAJIK

Republic of Tajikistan: children, playground, hope. You will ask what does it mean? They describe the story of how the children found hope in the distant city of “T”. Unexpectedly, a group of people came to the city. There were so many questions: where did they come from, what did they come for, what would they do here? Nobody knew the answers to these questions, everyone just watched what was happening on the abandoned playground. It was in a very deplorable state: grass overgrown, rusty swings without seats, a football field without gates …The deplorable state was not only on the site. Going inside the building where children live with their parents, you will see a similar picture. Real life of those in need, dark corridors with peeling walls, terrible smell, lack of water, light that is often turned off. It’s a sad spectacle, but this is the atmosphere in which the children of the broken hostel are growing. Those of this city really feel the need – many did not have teeth and the children wear the same clothes for several days.

Three long, hot days have passed and WHAT do you think happened? Something surprising -the playground has changed very much: there were football gates, basketball rings, new swings, ropes. All this was done by people who came for these three days.

When everything was ready, there was a colorful and fun opening of the site. There were so many things: games, contests, competitions and much attention to these needy children. There was even a clown who participated in everything together with the kids. 120 children and 80 parents, and many more passers-by witnessed this celebration. Watching from the sidelines, everyone was happy in their hearts. Seeing how the children’s faces lit up with such a bright smile, like that of turning on a light in the evening.

Parents approached and thanked these people. But the same question was in their eyes. Why did you do all this? Why here? And all because God prompted these hearts to give hope to these poor children. It is wonderful that these ordinary people who came from America, KZ, and other cities of Tajik, leaving their families, came to give joy to children. This is evidence of true love.

That in your heart there was always a willingness to give hope to needy people and children. All glories to Him our great Creator! See you soon! (most pictures are not able to be posted because of persecution in this country)

Elijah (team translator)