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Hope Centers in KZ

Having traveled thousands of miles in just over 24 hours, the five members of THP KZ finally arrived at their destination late in the evening on Saturday, Sept. 2. “V” is a small city of just over 20,000 residents located in the hot, arid flatland of south central Kazakhstan. The inhabitants are predominantly ethnic Kazakhs.

Over a delicious lunch and chai, the local leaders began to share with us the vision for their community and their hopes for our time with them. There are seven schools within the city with over one thousand students each. The city does not have parks or public venues where young people can gather for fun, safe and wholesome activities. Theses leaders wanted to establish a Hope Center to provide such a venue and also serve as a critical point of contact for these young people to the Source of eternal hope. Recently the community was able to purchase a piece of property. The leaders asked that our team labor with them to construct a sports complex on the property.

The task was daunting, the work was difficult and the time was short but with the help of our God, the vision became reality.

The scarcity of water over time has made the ground hard and resistant to our labor. But we found that with hard work, determination, cooperation, dedication, and complete dependence on God, the obstacles can be overcome and the impossible can be accomplished.

Our prayer is that the amazing transformation that we witnessed on the grounds of the city of ‘V’ will be indicative of the miraculous transformation that will occur in the hearts and lives of the Kazakhs as they discover the help, hope and healing for which they thirst.

Danny (team leader)